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> STORTA / TWISTED (animated short) received development fund from Emilia Romagna Film Commission.
Written and directed by me and wonderful illustrator Martina Sarritzu, produced by Rodaggio Film.

> The SCREEN WRITING WORKSHOP I’ve run for Associazione ARTETIPI in collaboration with artist Tommaso Buldini has come to an end with the publication of the picture book “La battaglia dei corvi e dei piccioni. Una storia forse accaduta realmente”. 

UN MATCH ALLA VOLTA, a feature documentary I am working on funded by Emilia Romagna Film Commission, just received MIBACT production funding for young cinema authors. 

> In early 2022 I collaborated as story consultant for OFFLINE, a 4 episodes web series for ARD Kultur.
Directed by Mehran Djojan, produced by Welt Recorder Story GmbH.

> IL GIOCO DI SILVIA premièred at Biografilm Festival in June 2022. 


see a selection of my work
